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QDAS Workshop training



We offer training in all the key qualitative data analysis software, including ATLAS.ti, Dedoose, f4analyse, MAXQDA, NVivo, QDA Miner & WordStat, Quirkos, and Transana.


Whether you're new to qualitative analysis or looking to take your skills to the next level, we can help you choose the right software for your needs and teach you how to use it effectively.


None of our training is pre-packaged, or ‘off the shelf’.


Our training is tailored to your individual needs and objectives. We work closely with you to understand your research goals and the data you're working with, and we design our workshops accordingly. This ensures that you get the most out of your training and that you're able to apply what you learn to your own research.


We offer a variety of workshops, including:

  • Choosing the Right Qualitative Data Analysis Software

  • Getting Started with Qualitative Data Analysis

  • Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis

  • Using Qualitative Data Analysis Software for Specific Research Methods


We also offer custom workshops to meet your specific needs.


Below are some of the more typical workshops we run. 


Contact us today to learn more about our training and to schedule a consultation.

Choosing the right CAQDAS software  


Struggling to decide which is the right software package for you?   


Choosing the appropriate software to facilitate qualitative or mixed methods analysis is an important part of planning any research project.  With the range of different software available, it is not always easy to visualise exactly what a package offers when exploring it for the first time yourself.  Equally, when asking someone else for their opinion, it is not always easy to know what questions you should be asking.


This seminar will help you make an informed choice, providing you with a comparison and demonstration of different software, be it ATLAS.ti, Dedoose, f4analyse, MAXQDA, NVivo, QDA Miner & WordStat, Quirkos or Transana, to help you choose the right software for you. 


After an initial consultation to understand how you will be using the software, this half day workshop will help orientate you to the principles of the most appropriate software packages, their different architectures and terminology, and the principles of harnessing tools powerfully for analytic tasks, before you commit to purchasing.


We will give you an overview of the similarities and differences between the shortlisted software packages, demonstrating their use in real-world contexts to help you make an informed decision about which is best for you. 


Sound right for you? Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you. 

Choosing the right software

CAQDAS software overview and demonstration 


This workshop provides you with an in-depth overview and demonstration of your preferred software, be it ATLAS.ti, Dedoose, f4analyse, MAXQDA, NVivo, QDA Miner & WordStat, Quirkos or Transana, before committing, to help you make sure your preferred software is the right one for you


After an initial consultation to understand how you will be using the software, this workshop will use case illustrations to demonstrate the flexible and powerful use of analytical tools in different scenarios and how your preferred software might be used for the analysis you need to undertake. ​​


Sound right for you? Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you. 

Software overview and demostration

Introductory qualitative analysis software training 


One, two or three day workshops for those looking for hands-on, practical support in how to analyse qualitative data using NVivo, ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA or any of the other CAQDAS packages. 


Following the Five-Level QDA principles for harnessing CAQDAS powerfully, these workshops combines demonstration, discussion and hands-on practice. They include contextual discussions – developmental, methodological and analytical principles - as well as providing an overview of the interface, architecture, components, actions and tools of the software. 


We do not provide simplistic, mechanical instruction on use of the software. We work with you ahead of the session to understand your likely anticipated analytical needs and the tools and functions most useful in your analysis to design a session completely focussed on your needs.


This means all our workshops are tailored entirely around the kind of activities participants will be undertaking meaning attendees leave the with a real sense of how they can best utilise the software to meet their particular needs, rather than a general idea of what the software will allow them to do.  


Click your preferred software below to find out more.


ATLAS.ti    |    Dedoose    |    f4analyse    |    MAXQDA    |    NVivo


   QDA Miner    |    Quirkos    |    WordStat    |    Transana 

Intro software training

Advanced qualitative analysis software training 


One, two or three day workshop for those looking for hands-on, practical support in the more advanced features of NVivo, ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA or any of the other CAQDAS packages in their analysis of qualitative and mixed methods data. 


Following the Five-Level QDA principles for harnessing CAQDAS powerfully, these workshops focus on the more sophisticated uses of the software tools for analysis, ensuring projects are set-up efficiently and structured in ways that will enable systematic analysis and providing experience in using query tools to answer analytic questions.


They comprise of demonstration, discussion and hands-on sessions and can combine group and individual work. Straightforward uses of software tools are reviewed, and more sophisticated uses of tools are discussed, demonstrated and practiced, as required.


We do not provide simplistic, mechanical instruction on use of the software. We work with you ahead of the session to understand your likely anticipated analytical needs and the tools and functions most useful in your analysis to design a session completely focussed on your needs.


This means all our workshops are tailored entirely around the kind of activities participants will be undertaking meaning attendees leave the with a real sense of how they can best utilise the software to meet their particular needs, rather than a general idea of what the software will allow them to do. 


Click your preferred software below to find out more.


ATLAS.ti    |    Dedoose   |   f4analyse    |    MAXQDA    |    NVivo


   QDA Miner   |   Quirkos   |   WordStat  |  Transana  ​

Intermediate sofware training

Using software to undertake literature reviews  


Learn how to review literature and analyse documents efficiently and systematically. 


Different software can be harnessed to organise a range of types of materials and our ideas about them. This includes electronic copies of journal articles, and documents such as reports, public records and policy statements, amongst other materials.


Framed by reviewing and documentary analysis methodologies, this workshop provides an introduction to different software's powerful tools that facilitate in-depth analysis of individual items, as well as cross-item comparison; all with a view to enabling structured, efficient writing of findings.


Sound right for you? Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you. 

Lit reviews

Principles and practices in qualitative data analysis 


Get to grips with the activities involved in doing qualitative data analysis.


This course provides a thorough overview of the principles and practices of undertaking qualitative data analysis.


Framed around the research cycle, we discuss and illustrate the interrelated activities undertaken as analysis progresses – from the paradigms and assumptions that underlie qualitative projects, through the practicalities of planning and implementing an analysis, to writing up, visualising and sharing findings.


The aim of this course is to open up thinking about the range and flexibility of qualitative data analysis approaches and to equip participants with the necessary mindsets and frameworks to plan and undertake their own projects.


Click here for more information

Principles and practices in QDA

Strengthening mixed-methods analysis using CAQDAS


These workshops illustrate how different CAQDAS packages can be used to strengthen mixed-methods analysis. They are suitable for researchers analysing a dataset by combining analytic approaches (e.g. a content analysis and an in-depth qualitative analysis) or working with mixed data (e.g. survey data and interview / focus-group data).


If the chosen CAQDAS package enables inferential statistical analyses (e.g. MAXQDA and QDA Miner) these are covered. Where the chosen CAQDAS package does not enable inferential statistical analyses, opportunities for interfacing with statistical software, such as SPSS, Stata, R and Excel, are explored.


Sound right for you? Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you. 

Intro SPSS

Advanced SPSS training 


One, two or three-day advanced SPSS workshops designed around SPSS’s tools for bivariate and multivariate analyses.


As well as uncovering the functionality of SPSS in relation to these techniques, workshops discuss relevant issues such as challenges around exploring social phenomena using quantitative measures and evaluating the potential and limits of datasets.


Find out more


Intermediate SPSS

Introductory SPSS training 


One, two or three-day introductory SPSS workshops oriented around the software’s functions for descriptive statistics and how to explore single measures (univariate analyses) and the relationship between two measures (bivariate analyses).


As well as uncovering the functionality of SPSS in relation to these techniques, these workshops discuss relevant issues such as challenges around exploring social phenomena using quantitative measures and evaluating the potential and limits of datasets.


Find out more

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