Using NVivo
The Five-Level QDA Method
Series of step by step NVivo tutorials to take you through the process of undertaking qualitative data analysis with NVivo and get the most from the software.
These NVivo videos supplement our textbook Qualitative Analysis using NVivo: The Five-Level QDA method.
They take the key learning points to undertake NVivo thematic analysis, bring the Five-Level QDA method to life and help you harness NVivo powerfully.
Videos are organised as follows:
Component Orientation videos supplement the descriptions in Chapter 5 about how each NVivo component works - illustrating "what is going on" in the program.
The Case Illustration videos supplement the real-world projects described in Chapters 8 and 9 - demonstrating the stages, phases, and analytic tasks undertaken in a literature review and a thematic analysis and how they were accomplished in NVivo
The Harnessing Components videos supplement Chapter 6, demonstrating different ways that the NVivo components can be harnessed, and how Analytic Planning Worksheets have been designed and can be used.
As well as these tutorials, we also provide tailored, face to face or online NVivo training for you, either individually, or for groups of researchers. Please see either our coaching or training pages for more information.
Please note these videos are not intended as stand-alone instruction. They assume you have read the read the relevant sections referred to in the videos as the videos do not repeat this information. If you would like to order a book please see the Routledge website.
Five-Level QDA is a registered trademark. If you are an instructor and would like to use the videos in your courses to accompany the text, please get in touch.

Video tutorials for using NVivo : index
click title to jump to video
Component Orientation (Ch 5)
1. Introduction to chapter 5
Please watch this video first, so you know what to expect from the Component Orientation Videos
2. Illustration of components in Microsoft Word
3. The NVivo for Windows interface
An introduction the parts of the screen and how to navigate around them
4. The NVivo for Mac interface
An introduction to the parts of the screen and how to navigate around them
5. NVivo Sources (Files)
6. NVivo Folders
7. NVivo Cases
8. NVivo Attribute-values
An introduction to ATTRIBUTE-VALUES and the actions that can be taken on them
9. NVivo References
An introduction to REFERENCES and the actions that can be taken on them
10. Nvivo Nodes (Codes)
11. NVivo Coded-references
A demonstration of CODED-REFERENCES and the actions that can be taken on them
12. NVivo Query-results
13. NVivo Sets & Search-folders
This video demonstrates SETS & SEARCH-FOLDERS and the actions that can be taken on them.
14. NVivo Annotations
15. NVivo Memos
16. NVivo Maps
17. NVivo Charts
This video introduces CHARTS and shows a selection of examples of visualising data with CHARTS
18. The NVivo project as a whole
The Analytic Planning Worksheet (Ch 6)
19. The strategies levels of the Analytic Planning Worksheet
20. The tactics levels of the Analytic Planning Worksheet
Case Illustrations (Ch 8)
21. Introduction to chapter 8
22. Case illustration of a straightforward project using NVivo : a literature review
Case Illustrations (Ch 9)
23. Introduction to chapter 9
24. Case illustration of a sophisticated project using NVivo : a thematic analysis
Component Orientation Videos in NVivo (Ch 5)
These orientations supplement the descriptions in Chapter 5 about how each NVivo component works - they let you know "what is going on" in the programme. Some demonstrations illustrate version 11 of NVivo and others illustrate version 12. The functionality with respect to components is almost entirely the same so the videos should be relevant whatever version you are working with.
If your screen looks different from the demonstrations, please consult the online Getting Started Manual for the latest additions or changes to whichever version of the program you are using.
NVivo Sources (files)
Part 1 introduces the topics in both parts of this video, and continues demonstrating the four types of SOURCE.
Part 2 continues with a review of the component-specific actions relevant to SOURCES.
Please note that SOURCES were renamed as FILES when version 12 of NVivo was released.
NVivo Cases
Part 1 introduces the topics in both parts of this video, and continues demonstrating what CASES look like, situations in which CASES are useful and two ways of creating them.
Part 2 continues with a review of the component-specific actions relevant to CASES.
For more detail about deciding whether to associate ATTRIBUTE-VALUES to CASES or SOURCES see this blogpost: Harnessing NVivo Classifications- it’s all about units
NVivo Attribute-values
This video introduces ATTRIBUTE-VALUES and reviews component-specific actions related to ATTRIBUTE-VALUES
For more detail about deciding whether to associate ATTRIBUTE-VALUES to CASES or SOURCES see this blogpost: Harnessing NVivo Classifications- it’s all about units
NVivo Nodes (Codes)
This video introduces NODES, focusing on the NODES Folder, Sentiment NODES and Relationship NODES.
Part 1 introduces the topics in both parts of the video, and continues demonstrating what these NODES look like and some of the ways they can be created.
Part 2 continues with a review of the component-specific actions relevant to NODES.
Note that version 12 of NVivo also uses the term Code
The Analytic Planning Worksheet (Ch 6)
The following resources supplement the section in Chapter 6 on how Analytic Planning Worksheets have been designed and are used:
An overview of the real-world research project (called the "DMO project") which is used to illustrate the following videos and the accompanying Analytic Planning Worksheets.
PART 1 - The strategies levels of the Analytic Planning Worksheet
This video demonstrates demonstrates the layout and workings of the Analytic Planning Worksheet, focusing on the strategies levels in the top sections of the Worksheet.
First please download and read the overview of the DMO project which is used in the following resources.
You can also download here a MS Word template of the Analytic Planning Worksheet which can be used as is, or adapted for your needs.
PART 2 - The tactics levels of the Analytic Planning Worksheet
This video focuses on the bottom sections of the Worksheet which facilitate the translation of analytic tasks into software tactics, as described in Chapter 6.
Please download here the completed Analytic Planning Worksheet / NVivo for Phase 3 of the 'DMO project', which is illustrated in the following video.
NVivo Case Illustrations (Ch 8)
These videos are a supplement to the cases illustrations in Chapter 8. The videos demonstrate the stages, phases, and analytic tasks described in the chapters.
NVivo Ch 8 - Case illustration of a straightforward project: A literature review
The five demonstration videos bring to life the whole project stage by stage.
We assume that you have watched the Component Orientation videos and read the description of the project in Chapter 8 because the demonstrations do not repeat this information.
NVivo Case Illustrations (Ch 9)
These videos are a supplement to the cases illustrations in Chapter 9. The videos demonstrate the stages, phases, and analytic tasks described in the chapters.
NVivo Ch 9 - Case illustration of a sophisticated project: A program evaluation
The nine demonstration videos bring to life the whole project stage by stage. We assume that you have watched the Component Orientation videos and read the description of the project in Chapter 9 because the demonstrations do not repeat this information.
The two translation videos demonstrate in detail the translation process for two of the analytic tasks listed in Chapter 9, and include a dialogue with the case contributor, Dr. Kristi Jackson, about the pros and cons of how the project was conducted in NVivo.
The associated Analytic Planning Worksheets are downloadable below as PDFs. Because there are always different ways to fulfill an analytic task, the two translation videos also demonstrate contrasting ways to translate the same analytic task, and we discuss the pros and cons of each way.
These videos and accompanying PDFs will be available soon.
Please contact us here if you would like to be informed when these videos are added.