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Introduction to NVivo training


Learn how to analyse qualitative data using NVivo like the experts do.  


​This course is a tailored introduction to using NVivo for qualitative data analysis.

Analysing Interview Transcripts with NVivo

See also upcoming open registration Introduction to NVivo workshops 

Workshop learning outcomes


  • Understand the structure of NVivo and how it can be used throughout a research project

  • Navigate around the software and operate it to undertake analysis

  • Understand the importance of analytic planning in harnessing NVivo tools powerfully

  • Set up an NVivo project to reflect initial research design and change structures as a research project progresses

  • Identify NVivo tools that can be used to fulfil specific analytic tasks

  • Know where to access relevant resources to support continued NVivo use.


At the end of this course, you will learn to set up a project, code, retrieve and visualise data.


​It follows the Five-Level QDA principles for harnessing NVivo powerfully, combining discussion, demonstration and hands-on practice with using NVivo, including:


  • Contextual discussions – developmental, methodological and analytical principles

  • Software overview – the NVivo interface, architecture, components, actions and tools

  • Analytic planning – introduction to the Five-Level QDA method as a tool for harnessing NVivo powerfully

  • Guided instruction – step-by-step teaching in the operation of NVivo and the use of tools for analytic tasks

  • Individual support – time for participants to discuss their projects with the tutor


All our sessions are bespoke.


Although our courses are structured around a logical overview of the qualitative analysis process, we do not deliver mechanical, functional training.


We work closely with you to understand your particular needs and future use of the software and design the right content, providing participants with a real sense of how they can best utilise the software to meet their particular needs, rather than what the software will allow them to do in a general sense. 


The design of each course therefore varies, but examples of what can be included:


  • Principles of using NVivo – architecture, terminology and organisation of project files

  • preparing and importing data,

  • navigating around NVivo (components, actions, tools),

  • approaches to coding - automated and manual coding,

  • working with cases and variables,

  • organising data (attribute-values, sets, search-folders)

  • straightforward retrieval (nodes, coding stripes, sets)

  • visual interrogation and presentation (maps, charts)

  • analysing survey data,

  • analysing visual and social-media data

  • finding patterns and relationships across themes

  • using NVivo in team contexts.


The course can use sample data, although preferably your own research material, to learn NVivo’s functionalities in your own context.




Although no previous knowledge of NVivo is required, participants should have some familiarity with qualitative research.


You can download a free trial version of NVivo here.


Participants will be required to complete a short pre-workshop questionnaire to enable the tutor to focus and tailor the training specifically to attendees’ requirements.



Who is this course aimed at?


This training is usually delivered to research teams and institutions and on graduate programmes, although the course is completely tailorable to your organisation.


In addition, we also provide bespoke project support and consultancy, as well as one-to-one support and coaching for individual researchers and students.  




This course is tailored to you and can be provided as either a one, two, or three day equivalent session. The exact content will be worked up with you on the basis of participants’ likely uses and need. 



Format and documentation


All our workshops are hands-on, delivered thorough a blend of demonstration, discussion and practical exercises, rather than providing simplistic, mechanical instruction.


To deliver a tailored experience for participants, we work closely with you to understand their research goals and analytical strategies. Participants will be required to complete a short pre-workshop questionnaire to enable the tutor to focus and tailor the training specifically to attendees’ requirements and cover the most salient topics, as well as specialist needs arising out of individual projects.


Participants are provided with slide decks, reading lists and a range of resources to accompany the course and to support consolidation of the topics covered.



Does this sound right for you? Interested in finding out more? Not quite right, but looking for something similar? Drop us a line to see how we can help. 

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